How to Start the School Year off Strong

Adair Passey

Summer has come to an end and it is now time to get back into the groove of school. We know how difficult this transition can be, so BD is here to give you some tips on how to start the year off strong!


1. Don’t Procrastinate

We know you have probably heard this a thousand times, but staying on top of your school assignments, extracurricular activities, work, etc. is really the best way to start the year strong. If you develop these good time-management habits early they will follow you for the rest of the year! Invest in a planner–you won’t regret it.


2.    Office Hours, Office Hours, Office Hours!     

Always take advantage of office hours. Don’t hesitate to go in and see your professors for extra help; that’s what they’re here for! Professors love seeing their students during office hours and you’ll love the effect office hours has on your grades.


3.    Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin

The beginning of the school year is always packed with fun activities, but make sure you’re not spreading yourself too thin. Try new things and have fun, but remember it is impossible to do everything so sometimes you will have to say no, and that’s okay! We’re only human.


4.     Utilize the Mind Spa

 Although fall is an exciting time of year, the weather change can have a serious effect on our mood. If you are feeling the onset of seasonal depression, go to the Mind Spa! It is run by or on campus Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and can help combat the blues that come with the shift in weather. If you are interested, contact them at 541-737-213.


5.     Just Breathe

When things get hectic, just take a moment to relax and breathe. Call your mom. Binge watch a new Netflix show. Do some retail therapy. Whatever it is, always remember the importance of self-care.



Photography by Eric Rothermel (via

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