Five plants even a college student could grow

Cat Smith, OMN Illustrator

Illustration depicts woman watering plants by a windowsill.

Olyvia Neal, News Contributor

For many students, college means moving away from home for the first time, leaving friends and family behind, and starting life mostly on your own. These things combined often cause many students to experience a low point in their mental health. As such, many college students can benefit from finding ways to manage stress, depression, and other common mental health issues.

Outdoorsy people may be able to attest that being out in nature can help with their stress levels and emotional state, but, with a busy schedule, perhaps the most practical solution is to bring nature to you. Houseplants are an easy way to bring some life into a space that can otherwise be depressing, and below are some of the best plants to fit into a student’s lifestyle. 

1 – ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant is a low-maintenance plant with very low light requirements and pots easily, making it an excellent choice for a busy lifestyle and for brightening up dark spaces. This plant is often seen bringing life to office spaces, and has an average water requirement, meaning that it doesn’t need to be worried about watering more than the average plant. 

2 – Snake Plant

Much like the ZZ plant, the snake plant needs little light and care, but it has a more distinctive appearance, with its striped foliage. Its water requirements are also fairly standard, so owners of both can water them on the same schedule with little worry. 

3 – English Ivy

Should you have a high up shelf space in need of some life, English ivy may be an excellent option. It has a preference for indirect light, although it can survive just fine in partial shade or full sunlight. Its temperature needs are quite similar to Oregon’s natural climate, preferring moderate, cool temperatures. 

4 – Peace Lily

If you like flowers, peace lilies are an excellent option that requires little care. While they need lots of water, they can quickly bounce back from wilting should they be forgotten for a watering cycle. Their blooms are lovely white flowers, and they do best in indirect sunlight. However, like all lilies, consuming these flowers is toxic, so it is wise to keep them away from pets or young children. 

5 – Bleeding Heart

The final plant on this list is an Oregon native; the bleeding heart. These flowers thrive in Oregon weather, so standard Pacific Northwest temperatures, 55 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, are ideal for the flower. It does require a large pot and a decent amount of water, about one inch per week. They are, like peace lilies, toxic to consume, so they are best kept out of reach of pets or children, perhaps on a high shelf or on top of a cabinet, bookshelf, or other surface that is difficult for animals to reach if they are present in the household. 

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