Having a passport as proper identification is important, especially if one is planning a trip outside of the country. Passports for Americans can be keys to explore cultures and lifestyles that we may not have experienced before.
“Having a passport is important because it opens the door to the world beyond your home country. You never know when you will need to travel internationally, so having a valid passport allows you to go wherever you need to be,” said Emily Rech, Marketing and Outreach program coordinator for the Oregon State University Office of Global Opportunities, in an email.
Applying for your first adult passport may be the most time-consuming part when traveling internationally, not including the trip itself.
Obtaining your passport may take between six to 12 weeks and the requirements include proper evidence of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, a photo ID, and an application fee that is usually around $175.
Passports are valid for 10 years and the renewal process is easier than the first time around.
“There are no disadvantages to getting a passport. Sure, the paperwork may feel a little tedious, but once you have your passport in-hand, you’ve got the ability to go almost anywhere your heart desires. Just remember to get a replacement before your passport expires, and you will be good to go,” Rech said.
Scott Heppell, a professor of forestry involved with the study abroad program here at OSU said that a primary reason he encourages students to study abroad is so they can experience other cultures around the world.
“It’s really good to appreciate how people live their lives and learn about those things not just through news, media, social media, TV, whatever it happens to be, but to actually interact with people in other countries,” Heppell said.“Wherever you go, (they) have something to teach you and there’s people to meet.”
Fortunately for OSU students, there are opportunities that not only encourage students to get their passports, but to help them obtain the official government document as well.
“Through a range of programs from one week to a full academic year, OSU Global Opportunities (OSU GO) provides education abroad programs that meet the needs of students across all majors and walks of life,” Rech said. “Nothing shows you how well you can adapt (better) than trying to navigate your way through the streets—and customs—of a brand new place.”
Becca Otto, the National and Global Scholarships advising coordinator at OSU, said the Get a Dam Passport scholarship offers students $175 to obtain their first adult passport.
“We offer the scholarship to first-year or first-year transfer students … (because) we’re trying to engage students really early in their college careers. … Also, we’re offering it to students who either have a Pell Grant or have high financial need,” Otto said.
LeAnn Adam, the Director of National and Global Scholarships said that their whole strategy is to increase visibility and reduce barriers to help students who wouldn’t necessarily have the opportunity otherwise to study abroad.
Otto added that she and Adam both recognize that a passport is an important document and money is the first barrier when trying to get one.
To find more information about study abroad programs visit OSU Global Opportunities, and for more information on Get a Dam Passport! visit the website.