College Tips and Tricks: Freshman Edition

Lexi Johnson

Moving to college means reaching an exciting milestone, and also being given the opportunity to start an entirely new chapter of your life. Fortunately, becoming a new student at Oregon State is easier than ever with such a welcoming, warm community to help you along your first steps. Being a senior now, I can still recall going through my own rite of passage as a new, official college student. Here are five tips and tricks that I have found to be most helpful in making the transition easier:

  1. Don’t expect to meet your best friends right away.

There is a tremendous amount of pressure for students to try to scramble and find their niche when they first arrive at college. But developing true, genuine friendships takes time and effort. Joining one of the many clubs and organizations on campus will undoubtedly help jumpstart you into forming some close-knit friendships with people who share similar interests with you. Check out some clubs and orgs on the website:  


  1. Go to class!

This should be an obvious no-brainer, but the fact is, when students first experience the new freedoms that come with attending college, the temptations to skip class, play video games, and watch Netflix become catalysts for creating some bad habits that will ultimately make your grades suffer. Staying consistent with your class schedule and finding a balance between work and play can help keep you on track. For me, I like to organize my week with a planner so I know exactly when I can allow myself some free time as a reward for putting in the work I need to succeed. 


  1. Learn how to monitor and manage stress.

Everyone manages the pressure of homework deadlines and exams differently, so knowing how to manage your own stress levels, especially during finals week, will help you stay on top of your mental health. Being aware of your resources as a student at OSU can help ease your mind as well. The Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) which is located in Snell Hall, offers individual counseling, while the Academic Success Center, located in Waldo Hall, offers academic coaching programs that can help you with personalized strategies to improve your study habits. 


  1. Call your loved ones. 

Homesickness is a common feeling for many students when they first set out on their own. Don’t be hesitant to pick up the phone to call your family back home; they undoubtedly miss you as much as you miss them! Keep tabs on our official academic calendar so you can plan ahead for the holidays, and take comfort in knowing that your Beaver family is here to help you make Corvallis feel more like home. 


  1. Stay informed with Beaver’s Digest. 

Being a freshman can be daunting when you’re trying to juggle classwork, socializing, and finding the time for some self care. Luckily, Beaver’s Digest, can provide you with a variety of self care tips, updates on upcoming events, study tips, and more! Bookmark our website and follow us on Instagram to stay in the loop.


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