Career Development Center can help you find a job

Kate Brown


College can be a stressful financial time. Between paying for school, rent, food and everything in between, most students want to get a job. Having an on-campus job is the easiest way to have a job and still have time for your school responsibilities.

 A student job is more than a path to a paycheck, but rather a learning experience to help students become more organized, accept greater job responsibilities and develop transferable skills that can apply to future career positions,” Brandi Fuhrman, Executive Director of the Career Development Center, said.

 The Career Development Center (CDC) is a resource on campus that helps students find jobs while in and after college. The CDC can help students get on-campus employment, through helping them find opportunities, by helping them apply, preparing to interview, creating a good resume, cover letter and more. They have drop-in hours for career assistance Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM in A110 of the Kerr Administration. You can also make appointments for career advice for your specific college with an adviser through Handshake. Handshake is the CDC’s exclusive online platform to help students find jobs on and off campus. It is similar to a LinkedIn, but is university specific.

 If Handshake isn’t for you, there is also an online job portal for jobs. Here you can filter the postings with various selections, like if you are looking for a full-time or part-time job, are looking for benefits or by location. Here you can find a lot of positions for jobs related to academics, such as research or being a teaching assistant. Here there are full-time positions listed, like opportunities to be a professor, so be sure to filter your search to find what you’re looking for.

Getting a job while in college is not only helpful for financial stability, but also important work experience, which can help you when applying for jobs after graduation. Using the CDC to find the right job for you means you can also get access to “a variety of on-campus opportunities, including (but not limited to) research, peer mentorship, and customer service, students will become better acquainted with faculty, staff, and other students,” Fuhrman said.

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