‘Snot so hard to get rid of allergies

Quick and cheap remedies for if you’ve fallen to the pollen

James Kelley, Contributor

Beginning in March, sniffles and sneezes take over as the loudest (and most annoying) sounds in the classroom. For many, allergy season can be the most dreaded time of year. 

The only thing between us and a summer full of sun is a month of coughing, sneezing, hiccups and itchy eyes.

So, it becomes a matter of dire consequence to lighten the load. Here at Beaver’s Digest, we have decided to help you out by developing a comprehensive list of homeopathic remedies to cure your seasonal qualms.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, homeopathic remedies, or homeopathy, is a pseudoscientific method of alternative medicine. Typically, it consists of cures that can be done within the home, or with medicine that doesn’t come from a pill bottle.

While there is little evidence to support the effectiveness of homeopathy as a science, our five methods have been tested over time and have proven to be effective in relieving the user of aggressive allergic reactions.

First, a neti-pot nasal wash system can be an outstandingly useful tool. It seems gross, but by pouring warm water through the nasal passages, your sinuses can be cleared. Neti-pots are an incredibly productive and cost-effective tool to cure congestion.

Raw honey can work in mysterious ways. Perhaps the most effective of our medicinal recommendations, raw honey contains the very same bee pollen causing allergic reactions, according to El Camino Health. Over time, consuming raw honey can build immunity against the pollen in the air.

Apple cider vinegar is widely used to protect against allergies. According to a 2021 study published in Nature, it reduces mucus and congestion  by interacting with the lymphatic system. It can be taken in any quantity, if the user can bear the taste.

A 2020 study published in the National Library of Medicine indicates a link between curcumin and inflammation, which is an active component of turmeric root. Turmeric can be a highly effective remedy in teas or with a meal, although it can stain your hands.

Lastly, diffusers are less cost-effective, but they are a time-tested and beloved item in many homes during allergy season. For readers who may not know, diffusers are devices which break down essential oils and release them into the air.

As to why this allergy season has been particularly persistent, rising temperatures associated with climate change can cause longer allergy seasons and worse symptoms. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, these rising temperatures have caused allergy season to be between 11 and 27 days longer.

For serious allergic reactions or anaphylaxis, these homeopathic remedies will not suffice. Instead, dial an ambulance (000) and administer an adrenaline injection (with an EpiPen®).

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